Tonight's post brought to you by....TEQUILA! (some coworkers and I went out for happy hour after work. OOPS. Blog post commence.
In my last post, I admitted that I became sexually active at WAY too early an age. As you can imagine, this changed my view about everything. Henry* and I had been fighting almost nonstop for almost three months by the time the sexual activity rolled around. I really wanted to break things off with him, but I didn't really know how to. Especially because he was my very first boyfriend.
Me being the SUPER SHALLOW person that I was, realized that it was roughly two months until Henry's senior prom, and I didn't want to break up with him and leave him stranded just before his prom. That, and I went to prom as a freshman the year before and didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to go again.
Also, my family decided to take me prom dress shopping shortly after the sex too, and I found a dress that made me look sexy as hell. Therefore, I decided to stick it out. Because I'm a shallow bitch. But I realize that now.
I bought my dress just before spring break from a department store. It was black, floor length, slimming (but I was a size 6 so everything was slimming), and had mesh plus beadwork detailing on a large portion on my back. Like almost to my crack. On the front, it had mesh plus beadwork detailing for a large portion of my stomach as well. I felt like a sex goddess in the dress.
We got the dress at a reasonable price, then it sat in the back of my closet for the next two months while I endured through all the fighting Henry and I were doing.
My name is Blake*, and I know I'm shallow. I can't excuse my actions.
*all names have been changed to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent
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