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Monday, October 24, 2011

12. I already messed it up.

Last night, I realized I forgot to embellish more on Floyd's* story. I was so excited to talk about Hugo* and how amazingly beautiful he was that I completely skipped over Floyd. Floyd and I continued to be really good friends throughout all of junior high. We played the same sports, we went to the same church, and we were even on the academic team together (no no, nothing like Keith's* story).

In my last year of junior high, just before Keith and I started, there was Floyd. Now if you remember, Floyd was the nice friend that consoled me when my heart was first broken at an elementary dance. I think that's why I always (and still to this day) had deep respect for him.

It happened during basketball season. We were hanging out at my friend Hillary's house after school waiting for the bus to cart us off to our game. I was definitely that girl that wouldn't do anything without peer pressure when I was in junior high. So when all of my friends started making out with their boy of choice (I promise my small town does have morals!), I caved and kissed Floyd. There wasn't anything magical about it. Also if I remember correctly, we convinced him to flash us. We only looked though. Even though I was kissing like it was going out of style, I was very prude at that age.

Sadly, nothing came out of kissing Floyd. It really was like kissing my brother.

Floyd is actually still a part of my life right now, but as nothing more than friends. He pops in and out of it randomly, but when he's in it, he provides some great stories. So I won't close the Floyd chapter just yet.

My name is Blake*, and I seriously giggled a little bit when I typed "we convinced him to flash us." Because I almost wrote "we convinced him to show us his pee pee." (I'm still twelve. It's fine.)

*all names have been changed to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent

I promise I'll get it right from here on out.

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